• ART DISCOVERY / Grades K-1

    Children's imagination and creativity run wild as they explore with paint, collage, clay, and more. Projects develop technical and expressive skills.

    12 Week Session
    Starting Jan. 23, 2024
    Tuesdays 4 pm - 5:15 pm
    $660 (materials included)

  • ART EXPLOSION / Grades 2-3

    Students explore line, color, texture, form, and volume through drawing, painting, sculpture, and clay. Their creative expression will evolve as they work on 2 and 3-D projects.

    12 Week Session
    Starting Jan. 24, 2024
    Wednesdays 4 pm - 5:30 pm
    $660 (materials included)

  • Art Journey / Grades 4-5

    A perfect continuation or introduction to drawing, painting, sculpture, and clay. Students develop a deeper understanding of line, shading, color, composition, volume, and more. Observation as well as imagination are explored.

    12 Week Session
    Starting Jan.25, 2024
    Thursdays 4 pm - 5:30 pm
    $660 (materials included)

  • ART TRANSITIONS / Grades 6-8

    Young artists delve into the meaning of art and start to discover a personal style. Technique and skills are perfected. Innovation and experimentation with materials are encouraged.

    12 Week Session
    Starting Jan. 29, 2024
    Mondays 4 pm - 5:30 pm
    $660 (materials included)